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Handling your Corn Snake Properly

After introducing yourself to your snake, and have worked on handling it, you can now begin to handle your snake outside its cage. It is very vital that you handle your snake with confidence. If you are still fearful or hesitant, your snake will be able to sense it and act the same way.

It is a nice idea to handle your Corn Snake under the supervision of a professional or long-time owner before actually getting one for yourself. This will guarantee that you are comfortable with your Corn Snake when you get it.

You should always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your Corn Snake. Snakes have an excellent sensory organ so if they smell a scent of prey on your hand, your Corn Snake might mistake your hand for something it should eat! That does not sound good!!

Also, washing your hands before handling your Corn Snake helps prevent any foreign bacteria, germs, or parasites in your pet’s environment.

It is very vital to support your Corn Snake’s body when you are picking or handling it up so that it is comfortable with you and there is no strain put on its body. This is true whether you are picking your Corn Snake up with your hands or with a hook. Keep the first third of your snake’s body supported with either the hook or one of your hands, while supporting the back two thirds of your Corn Snake’s body with your other arm.

Keep in mind your “hook training” before putting your hands in your Corn Snake’s terrarium. Lightly pressing down on your Corn Snake’s head with a hook will give the snake an idea that it is not feeding time so there is no need to strike. Never grab your Corn Snake by the end of its tail to pick it up or move it. This can cause serious strain and fear to your Corn Snake. 

Restraining your Corn Snake’s head can make it believe that you are a predator that’s trying to hurt the snake. Whenever you handle your Corn Snake, stick to holding it by its body, and avoid holding or restraining its head. 

Until you know within yourself that you can properly handle your snake, it is a good idea to hold it with its head facing away from you. This will give your Corn Snake a chance to become familiarized to you and the motion of your hands or body without the danger that the experience may turn negative.

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