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Caring Tips for Your Corn Snake


Common Maintenance Problems

Ways to Keep your Corn Snake Happy

Maintaining Humidity

A Corn Snake enclosure should be kept at 40 – 50 percent humidity. If the humidity is extremely low, a daily misting will provide the higher humidity that aids in proper shedding. Corn Snake should not be kept in a damp environment since this can lead to skin infections and other problems in your pet.

Useful Tools and Devices

As long as the basic requirement for a proper habitat is met, taking care of your Corn Snake will get relatively easier.  The trickiest part would be keeping the temperature and humidity at their proper levels, but once that’s done, you won’t have to think too much about other details.  Fortunately enough, there are a number of devices and gadgets that can help you monitor these pertinent environmental factors. Using these, you can make sure that your Corn Snake’s habitat is the closest it can be to its natural requirements.  A mistake in any of these – light, heat, or humidity – can cause various problems in your pet such as illnesses or diseases, behavioral changes, and sometimes even death – such as if temperature rises too high and causes them to dry out.

Some of the tools or gadgets you should perhaps invest in and familiarize yourself with include:

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